
Research Papers

My list of personal publications will be uploaded soon. In the meantime, even if it is not complete, it can be consulted on dblp.

2022F.L. ȚipleaLessons to be Learned for a Good Design of Private RFID SchemesIEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 19(4), July-Aug 2022, 2384-2395
2022F.L. ȚipleaNarrow privacy and desynchronization in Vaudenay’s RFID modelInternational Journal of Information Security, vol 21, 2022, 563-575
2022F.L. ȚipleaEfficient generation of roots of power residues modulo powers of twoMathematics, vol 10(6), 908, 2022
2022F.L. Țiplea, V.-F. DrăgoiGeneralized Inverse Based DecodingThe 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), June 26-July 1, 2022, Aalto University in Espoo, Finland
2022F.L. Țiplea, V.-F. DrăgoiGeneralized Inverse Based DecodingarXiv:2202.08640, Feb 2022
2021F.L. ȚipleaA Brief Introduction to Quadratic Residuosity Based CryptographyRevue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, vol. 66, issue 3-4, 793-811, 2021. Note: extended version of a talk given at the 9th Congress of the Romanian Mathematicians, June 28 - July 3, 2019, Galati, Romania.
2021F.L. Țiplea, A. Ioniță, A.-M. NicaPractically Efficient Attribute-Based Encryption for Compartmented and Multilevel Access StructuresICETE (Selected Papers), Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1484, 129-150, Springer, 2021
2021F.L. Țiplea, C. Andriesei, C. HristeaSecurity and Privacy of PUF-Based RFID Systemsin "Cryptography - Recent Advances and Future Developments", Riccardo Bernardini (ed.), IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.94018. Available from:, Aug 2021
2021F.L. Țiplea, C. HristeaPractically Efficient RFID Scheme with Constant-time IdentificationProceedings of the 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, SECRYPT 2021, 495-506, July 6-8, 2021
2021F.L. Țiplea, C.C. DrăganAsymptotically ideal Chinese remainder theorem-based secret sharing schemes for multilevel and compartmented access structuresIET Information Security, vol. 15(4), 282-296, July 2021
2020F.L. Țiplea, C. HristeaPUF Protected Variables: A Solution to RFID Security and Privacy Under Corruption With Temporary State DisclosureIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol 16, 999-1013, Sept 2020
2020F.L. Țiplea, S. Iftene, G. Teșeleanu, A.-M. NicaOn the distribution of quadratic residues and non-residues modulo composite integers and applications to cryptographyApplied Mathematics and Computation, vol 372, 2020
2020C. Hristea, F.L. ȚipleaPrivacy of Stateful RFID Systems With Constant Tag IdentifiersIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol 15, 1920-1934, 2020
2020F.L. Țiplea, A. Ioniță, A.-M. NicaPractically Efficient Attribute-Based Encryption for Compartmented Access StructuresProceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications, ICETE 2020 - Volume 2: SECRYPT, 201-212, Lieusaint, Paris, France, July 8-10, 2020
2020F. Belardinelli, C. Dima, V. Malvone, F.L. ȚipleaA Hennessy-Milner Theorem for ATL with Imperfect InformationLICS '20: 35th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, Saarbrücken, Germany, July 8-11, 2020